Aluminium, 2025
Shelf, 2012-2024
founded object in empty house in Jerusalem, Israel. Each shelf have its own LED light controled by microcontroller. Installati
Decay, 2024
TV report: material: al
Nexus, 2023
“Nexus” is a mesmerizing installation where art and technology coalesce in the tranquil confines of a chapel. Lase
Thread, 2024
TV report: material: thread, U
Luminous Echoes, 2024
Luminous Echoes spojuje principy fyziky s uměním. Název odkazuje na vizuální stopu, kterou kyvadlo zanechává na fluores
Thread, 2019
material: plastic, motors, microcontroller installation view within Future Ready, Campus Hybernska, Prague
Stretch, 2018
material: 60x50cm, aluminium
Binary_self_portrait.png, 2008
A binary self-portrait record of a black and white image, resolution 320×363, size: 4.1 Kb. This data was transfered as a
Brainmark, 2010
Brainmark is a self-portrait of the author’s brain created by using computer tomography. CT X-ray works on the principle
Wrap, 2010
Each canvas has its own unique grid which is filled with little lights by the author, through tossing of coins (heads –
Tone sculptures, 2008
Attempt to materialization of audio vibrations by using gel. The gel cast results in accordance with the frequency of various
Reconstruction of view, 2011
Series of printing created by a fix manipulated by computer. Photo of windows, taken by camera obscury, which has been convert
Linear painting n.2, distance, 2012
This subtle object looks like it is lost in space, thanks to the gradual color change from black to white. It is basically a v
SHADOW TRIANGLE (inside / outside), 2011
This installation was inspired by the scientific concept of black box. “Black box” is any mechanism of which we only know
Attractor, 2013
The word “Attractor” comes from the Latin word attrahere, to attract. Attractor is the region or state whereby a dynam
Water Square, 2012
Water Square is an interactive installation. A wooden cube with a motor inside produces square waves depending on the distance
Nonarbitrary Chance, 2014
Much of Pustejovsky’s work deals with the relationship between computer simulated processes and real-life processes. In this
material: 94cm x 43cm x 5cm concrete
Fragments 2, 2009
plaster, 11 pieces, 28cm x 22cm x 2cm edition of 11
8×8, 2009
Randomness as creative principle, chance as unrecognized causation. The randomness is not a real phenomenon, although it looks
Listing, 2010
Listing is a process during which we usually make a shorcut to the content of a medium without a deeper understanding of it..
Decimus, 2016
An interactive installation made up of ten cylinders each containing a paper object with a unique abstract, computer-generated
Bookbox 01, 2011
We can understand „internet“ as a parallel reality of our own lives. The possibility virtually duplicate information, whic
In one’s own shadow, 2011
The work is inspired by Platonic study of the Ideas. It brings together a state of the probable and of the improbable. Artific
Maybe you will be have better luck than me, 2010
The picture, image, shadow, all of it is someway a man’s projection, which helps us to understand the causalities and even o
Array of Objects, 2015
Arc consists of 12 light elements representing the division of time into hours. Mimicking the motion of a ticking clock, the l
Loop, 2016
This sculptural intervention into public space recalls an enormous hourglass and offers much food for thought. The oscillating
Marble, 2016
material: interaktiv object, 2.5×2.5m wood, textile, microcontroller, microphone, LED
Qubit, 2015
Combining classic media artwork and sophisticated access control software, a fragmented underground is mapped using projection
Quantum Trap, 2015
An abandoned spa where tiled walls, ceiling and floor visually repeat the same square. Angular shapes with the malleable quali
Cubiculum Obscurum, 2017
material: 16 channel analog projection, glass, wood, custom control software installation view within Cubiculum Obscurum, 2017
Exit, 2014
Exit, 2014 material: motor, door, 2 rooms site specific installation within Edition of Light, Chemistry Gallery
Collectors of time, 2015
“Time collectors” exists on the borderland of art, science and design. Therefore there are many interpretations to
Transformation, 2011
site-specific installation inside audio-visual project ACUO, custom LED grid, 3500 LED, 3 x webcam, microcontroller installati
12^3, 2014
material: aluminium, light, microcontroller
Linear painting n. 1, 2011
material: object, 650 x 5 x 3cm, 64 x LED, painting frame, microcontroller
Threshold, 2014
Fragmenty prostoru, 2014
kinetická instalace fragmenty prostoru se snaží prozkoumávat uměle vytvořené systémy, aparáty, které interagují ur�
Goethe-Automat, 2010
Projection on building represents a machine for generating dadaistical experimental poetry, using pseudo-random generator of r